Archive for Adam

You are such a little poser.

Posted in Life, Rants, Truth with tags , , , , , , , , on January 27, 2010 by rockerdi

What’s with all of the Adam Lambert wannabes on Idol this season? Is it just me, or are they becoming more and more abundant as the weeks go on?

Let me explain something to all of you Adam wannabes:


The AIM of Idol is to come in with something new; something fresh. Something the judges wouldn’t expect to see. Be your damn self!!! I’m sure you won’t embarrass yourself half as much as you would by trying to be Adam Lambert (WHO YOU ARE NOT).

So take a big tip from me, all you future Adam Lambert wannabes. Don’t be a wannabe. Be you. That’s all you need to be. Nothing more, nothing less.


Your Princess of Opinionated Melodrama

Adam Lambert- “FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT” Album Review PRE-View

Posted in Music, Rants with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 16, 2010 by rockerdi

Track 2: For Your Entertainment

The title track of the album, this song is everything we’d expect from Adam and more. Sexy, sultry and daring, the melody starts out in the lower register which I happen to like from Adam a little more than his higher octaves (I think maybe I feel this way because I’ve heard Adam sing high many times before, but it’s rare to hear him sing in a lower register). Soon enough, he begins to raise the notes higher, and we hit the prechorus. In the next four lines, Adam makes me feel like I’m being pulled apart like a rubber band. When he hits the line “Hold on until it’s over,” it’s as if the pulling ends and everything freezes. Now we are at the chorus. To break it down simply, Adam is basically singing to us a warning with the lines “Do you know what you got into? Can you handle what I’m ’bout to do, cause it’s about to get rough for you.” Parents of young children ought to pay attention to these lines if they want to know anything about Adam at all. Cut to the bridge. We get to a breakdown of ‘Oh oh’s’ and ‘Mmm Mmm, Entertainment.’ After a few measures, Adam finally comes back in with a wild note of exclaimation. Adam takes us out with the chorus, singing little harmonies over the chorus. The song ends on a single note that leaves the listener begging for more.

A new year, a new beginning.

Posted in Family, Friends, Life, Neil Lambert, Parents, Rants with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 1, 2010 by rockerdi

Last night, my parents and I spent the evening with family friends Devin* and Gracie* and their 4 1/2 month baby girl, Sadie*. I thought I was going to be bored shitless, but here’s how the night played out:

My parents and I left our house and I applied my make-up in the back of the car. After I finished, I shut my eyes and kind of tuned out everything, almost falling asleep. My mom let me know when we had gotten to our destination and I got out of the car with my purse, laptop, and the bottle of Chardonnay we’d brought and we walked to the front door.

Now you might be wondering why I brought my laptop. That’s rather rude, you may say, but don’t you worry. I didn’t open it once. I brought it because I thought I’d be bored and I thought I’d be able to catch Neil Lambert’s live feed of his brother Adam’s performace, but I wasn’t.

We rang the doorbell and Devon answered the door. We greeted him, handed him the bottle of red wine we had brought as well as the Chardonnay, and walked in. That’s when I saw them: The two cutest dogs I’d seen in a long time. I don’t remember exactly what breed they were, but since Devon likes Lord Of The Rings, they were named Frodo and Sam. Frodo was the boy dog; black and kind of quiet. Sam was the girl dog. Her fur (which felt much more like human hair) was about the same color as Samwise Gamgee from the movie. She was much more energetic than Frodo, so the two dogs’s personalities seemed to fit with their names.

The next faces I saw were Gracie’s and Sadie’s. We greeted Gracie and I immediately focused all of my attention on Sadie. She is quite possibly the cutest baby I’ve ever seen. She is 4 1/2 months old and she is about the size of a 6 or 8 month old. She’s already got the adorable apple cheeks, and her little chin is so tiny compared to them it’s just irresistable.

At first, we couldn’t really get a smile out of Sadie. Then, after about 15 minutes, she let out a HUGE burp. NOW she was smiling. Gracie let me hold her and I couldn’t believe how heavy she was! 16 pounds of cuteness!!! Quite a workout for my arms, let me tell you, especially since she’s very mobile and kept squirming in my arms.

She started out by smiling, a lot. I couldn’t stop smiling back at her. The funniest thing about her is that she looks you in the eyes already, and it’s as if she can read what you’re thinking. She’s going to be very smart, I can tell. After maybe an hour, I was holding her again. This time, I looked at her, and she smiled at me, and stuck out her tongue. It was so cute that I had to hand her over to my own mother so I could laugh histerically. it was in MY mother’s arms that she first cooed in front of us. All I could say to that was “AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

It was finally time for dinner, so Gracie put Sadie in her little…well, I don’t know exactly what you’d call it, but it wasn’t a bouncer, rocker, or chair. It was kind of like a cup that held her; like if she lay down in a big, humongous leaf, only this was pink, and Sadie started bouncing in it. Sadie kept a nice little drum beat for us all throughout dinner with her bouncing. It was so funny! And every now and then, she’d have her say in the conversation: “Aaaaaahhh! Oooooaaaaaaaaawhaaaaaaaaaaa.” Gracie would talk back to her: “Oh, really? WOW!” I laughed.

What I didn’t realize was exactly WHAT we were having for dinner. All I saw were three pots with oil in them and color-coded skewers. That’s when I was told we were having fondue. Fondue!! I’d never had it before. I was expecting cheese and bread, but I was wrong. It turns out, I knew very little about fondue until last night.

We sat down and everyone started passing the raw meat around. I took a couple pieces of raw steak, raw chicken, and raw sausage (can sausage be raw?) and passed the plates on. Next came the vegetables, so I got some broccoli. Then there was the bread, but we had been given side dishes with oil and our choice of spice to dip our bread in, so I knew it wasn’t the kind of fondue I was expecting.

I watched as Gracie was first to put a piece of raw steak in one of the oil pots. After about a minute, she removed it, and what I saw amazed me. The raw piece of meat Gracie had put into the pot of oil had come out not a minute later comepletely cooked!! Well, I can tell you, I took all three of my red color-coded skewers, stuck meat on them and put them in the pot. To spare you any more boring details, the night went on like this for a good hour and a half.

We finished dinner and my mom and I helped Devon clean up while Gracie made a bottle to go feed Sadie. Then I went into the living room where Gracie and Sadie were and I received a very messy smile from a very adorable Sadie. I giggled and sat down. Sadie had eaten most of her bottle, so Gracie went up and got Sadie’s pajamas. Before she got up, Gracie handed Sadie to me.

I was talking to her when my dad came out. I asked him if he wanted to hold her, and he said yes as long as he could sit down. He sat next to me and I handed him Sadie. At first she looked at him with a face that said “Who the hell are you?” Then my dad started talking to her and she smiled that tongue-like smile and talked back with her only way of communicating, ‘Ooohs’ and ‘Aaaahs.’

Devon and my dad took the dogs out for a walk, and Gracie, my mom and myself went to say goodnight to little Sadie. Her pajamas were a onezie, with little bunny feet at the bottom. Her room was light green with a pink carpet. The crib was black. It was a calming room. My mom and I said goodnight to Sadie and went downstairs. Seconds after we got to the bottom of the stairs, my dad and Devon got back. Apparently, it was raining too hard to take the dogs for a walk.

At about 11:30 PM, Devon and Gracie had set up the fondue pot again, but this time it had…CHOCOLATE. That’s right. CHOCOLATE. They passed around bananas, strawberries, rice krispies, marshmallows, lady fingers, and oranges. Let’s just say…if I’m not officially a diabetic now, it’ll be a miracle.

At 10 minutes to midnight, we went out into the living room once again and turned on the TV. We didn’t want to watch Dick Clark suffer through the night, so we turned on Carson Daly. He’s a bit of a prick, but there was nothing else on. We got really excited because he was about to show Green Day perform “East Jesus Nowhere,” but then they cut to commercial. We were all so pissed off, we changed the channel. At 3 minutes to midnight, we turned Carson back on. We watched the ball drop, said “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” and drank Champagne. Then, Carson cut to Green Day again. This time, they played the whole song, “21 Guns.” I sang happily along. Next thing I know, we were home. I must’ve slept on the way home. I walked inside, brushed my teeth, took my shoes off, got under the covers, turned on my Adam Lambert album, and went to sleep.

I woke up this morning dressed in my white wifebeater, black button-down dress shirt, black HOT TOPIC pants, and black ‘hardware’ belt. At first I didn’t understand, but then I realized I was just so tired that I passed out in what I had been wearing.

Well, dear readers, that’s how I celebrated the new year, so I hope my first blog of the new year wasn’t too boring, even though I know it was pretty much bullshit. I’m sorry it wasn’t more entertaining. Anyway, I hope you all have a healthy, prosperous new year, and I promise I’ll write much better blogs this year. It’s one of my new year’s resolutions.

Much love, hate, and everything in between.

*These names have been changed for the protection of the people’s identities.


Posted in Life, Music, My obsessions, Rants with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 24, 2009 by rockerdi
Demand Adam, Kris & Allison in Philadelphia!
Adam, Kris & Allison in Philadelphia - Learn more about this Eventful Demand

View all Philadelphia events on Eventful

Coming Soon: My Review of Adam Lambert’s Debut Album, “For Your Entertainment”

Posted in Life, Music, My obsessions, Rants with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 24, 2009 by rockerdi

Keep an eye out, you damn sexy readers. I can guarantee you won’t want to miss this review.

Adam Lambert just fucked me through the screen.

Posted in Life, Music, My obsessions, Rants with tags , , , , , , , , , , on November 23, 2009 by rockerdi

I was waiting all night for Adam Lambert’s performance on the American Music Awards this evening. I couldn’t wait, and the announcer kept saying things that made me want to see it even more. I had to find ways to keep entertaining myself through most of the AMAs, btu finally, the moment came. IT WAS GLAMBERT TIME.

I shooed my mom out of the room, turned up the tv, and turned off the lights so I could get a moer movie-like effect on my awesome LCD flat screen tv. The performance began.

Right off the bat, I could tell this was about to be one of the sexiest and most provocative performances of all time. I mean, come on. It’s fucking Adam Lambert. Has he ever been one to disappoint?

As the performance went on, all I could do was watch in amazement as his dancers groped him, and he groped them back, S&M clad people spinning around him wildly, fake blow jobs onstage. My jaw hit the floor. I was in shock. The moment the performance ended, I ran to my bathroom. Yeah, I think you can figure out what happened there. If you can’t, you’re a fucking dumbass and you should go back to 9th grade where they teach you all about sex.

Adam Lambert, you are a fucking God not only of music, but of sex as well. I’ve never felt more sexually satisfied. Thank you, dear Glambert. I shall look forward to your future performances.

My Natal Chart.

Posted in Life, Rants with tags , , , , , , on September 13, 2009 by rockerdi

I was on twitter earlier and someone had asked Adam Lambert (who by the way ANSWERED MY QUESTION ON TWITTER *shocked*) how to find their natal chart. Adam told them, and since he explained how to do it, I figured I’d look up mine. This is what my natal chart looks like:

If you can't read this, fear not. I couldn't, either. The interpretation of this can be found below.

If you can't read this, fear not. I couldn't, either. The interpretation of this can be found below.


As the caption says, the interpretation can be found here:


Name: Diana Elizabeth Springer
June 14 1988
1:38 AM Time Zone is CDT
Charleston, AR

Rising Sign is in 27 Degrees Pisces
Very sensitive to your surroundings, other people’s feelings become your feelings. Try to avoid negative people because your tendency to empathize with them will make you negative also. An idealist, you must believe in something beyond your normal everyday existence. A dreamer, you like to escape to a world of your own creation. As such, you are known for the vividness of your imagination and should try to share your inner visions with others. Very self-sacrificial by nature, beware of others becoming overly dependent on you or vice versa. Allow yourself to live for yourself once in a while — you deserve it. Don’t be so envious of those who are more aggressive than you — your gentle charity and true humility are indeed wonderful gifts. on the tenth house cusp (MIDHEAVEN).

Sun is in 23 Degrees Gemini.
You have a quick, bright and agile mind, but an extremely short attention span. You love the external, kaleidoscopic aspects of life, but you tend to avoid (and even fear) deep, close emotional involvements. As such, you seem to enjoy travel and sightseeing and generally being “on-the-go.” You get quite listless when things around you become static and dull, but your excitement returns whenever you are stimulated by a new idea. Chatty, inquisitive and quite playful, you enjoy practical jokes and games in general. Your moods change quickly and often — you are very restless and constantly in motion. You are known for your versatility and adaptability. Your vivaciousness enlivens any social gathering.

Moon is in 22 Degrees Gemini.
Restless in the extreme, you are easily bored because of your short attention span. Your emotions change rapidly and you love to talk about your feelings. Generally, you have good judgment — your intellect controls your emotions and you do not overreact emotionally to things. A good jack-of-all-trades, you have many- sided interests and enjoy reasoning things through. With your mental agility and need for physical mobility, you are attracted to traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. You have vivid powers of emotional self-expression – – you can be a nonstop talker. You love to share your ideas with anyone who will listen.

Mercury is in 21 Degrees Gemini.
Your mind is active, quick and agile. You are very restless and you get bored easily. Unless you receive constant mental stimulation, you become extremely nervous and begin to act in an unstable manner. You are probably a good student because of your natural inquisitiveness. You also love to travel. Your learning tends to be superficial, though, because you have a relatively short attention span. Try to develop the mental discipline to finish what you start. Also, you tend to talk on at times seemingly just to fill space — make sure that your conversation has some substance to it or others will start avoiding you.

Venus is in 21 Degrees Gemini.
You are friendly, warm, open and tolerant toward others. You love variety in relationships, indeed you may even prefer to maintain more than one relationship at a time! Very witty and humorous, you have the ability to amuse and please others. This makes you quite popular. You love to play the field and thus find it difficult to settle down and make any deep emotional commitments. Your innate charm and vivacity makes you welcome most everywhere you go.

Mars is in 14 Degrees Pisces.
Very sensitive and vulnerable, it is difficult for you to assert yourself. At times, you feel quite tired and you will require a lot of sleep in order to maintain your health and your strength. You are at your best when you act without your ego being important. You can be very unselfish and considerate of the needs of others. You get the most satisfaction by giving to others when you expect nothing in return. Beware of a tendency to want always to work behind the scenes or to become overly deceptive by doing things behind others’ backs.

Jupiter is in 22 Degrees Taurus.
Growth only occurs for you after you have found a stable lifestyle and a dependable, protective and secure environment. You are at your best when those around you provide you with a great deal of affection and support. When you feel insecure or threatened, you tend to become possessive and grasping and self- indulgent. You are an inveterate collector with an expensive preference for all the good things that life has to offer.

Saturn is in 29 Degrees Sagittarius.
Basically quite conservative, you respect traditional authority figures and are very thankful and supportive of the laws and institutions which govern your life. You learn and accept new ideas only after having very thoroughly examined them. Ideals and abstract concepts are important to you only if they can be used in some practical fashion. You are so practical and so orderly that you have natural skills in planning, administrating and organizing.

Uranus is in 29 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.

Neptune is in 09 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.

Pluto is in 10 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 18 Degrees Pisces.
You’re attracted to others who need your assistance. You seem to go out of your way to form relationships with those who are weak, sick, injured, addicted or troubled in some way or other. At your best you can indeed provide the relief that others need. But at times you can be victimized by those who would prey on your good nature and take advantage of you. This can lead to all sorts of negative situations — make sure that those you assist are truly worthy of your time, energy and commitment. A little enlightened self-protectiveness on your part can make your life work much, much smoother!

I cannot explain to you just how accurate this description of yours truly actually is. When I read this, I almost defecated. It was frightening, yet fascinating. If you haven’t looked up your Natal chart, I suggest you do so. It may shock you. Mine shocked me.

Yes, my real name is the one posted above. I ask you, however, to PLEASE not call me Diana. If anything at all, you should call me Di. Thank you.

So that’s me, in an astrological nutshell. Don’t like it? Too bad, because that is absolutely about 95% who I am.

Deal with it, Jerkoffs.

My response to Neil Lambert: How (Not) To Get Laid When Your Brother Is A National Celebrity

Posted in My obsessions, Neil Lambert, Rants with tags , , , , , , , on August 16, 2009 by rockerdi

You told us to pick our favorite shitty pick-up line you’d written, or we could add our own. Well, here’s what I came up with:

“28, turn him straight, and if not, his brother’s hot!”


“L is for Lust

A is for Astonishing

M is for Mouth-watering

B is for Breath-taking

E is for Erotic

R is for Repetition

T is for Trouble


That’s how you spell my name, Baby.”


Try that one.

I think it’s time to address this.

Posted in My obsessions, Rants with tags , , , , , , on August 1, 2009 by rockerdi

Adam Lambert. A media icon, a sex God, a musical gift. A talent beyond anything we’ve heard in a long time. 27 years old, gay, and fabulous.

Neil Lambert. An icon’s brother, a blog God, a humor king. A talent beyond anything we’ve read before. 24 years old, straight, awesome.

These two men, though related, are NOTHING alike. They look very different, have two very different personalities, and live on opposite sides of the country.

Adam is a singer, loves to play dress-up, loves make-up, loves fashion, loves experimenting. Neil is a blogger, loves to goof off, likes to hang with friends and get drunk. Neil is not a fashionista, he does not love make up, and does not love dress up.

These brothers look NOTHING alike, although some people seem to think they do. I really don’t see it. Let’s compare!

Adam: [Naturally] Blonde Hair, dyed black with blue highlights, eyeliner, black nail polish, clean-shaven, pierced ears, hair styled, slender face.

Neil: Dark Brown Hair, scruffy, pronounced cheekbones.

I find no similarities other than their eyes. Id’ve gone into further depth on what they looked like, but I don’t have their pictures in front of me and I’m too lazy to bring them up on my screen.

So please, people. Stop trying to say that Neil reminds you of Adam. You’re kidding yourselves.

Rain, Music, and a Phone Call.

Posted in Rants with tags , , , , , , , on July 29, 2009 by rockerdi

My goal today was to set up an appointment with the recruiter at the hospital for an interview. When I woke up, I watched as the rain fell outside. I checked the caller id to see if the recruiter had called, which she hadn’t. I decided to broadcast live on JTV and sing. After about four hours of singing, I finally stopped and got some lunch at about 3 PM. I put on a movie my dad had told me to watch because he thought I’d like it. I have so far found it slightly entertaining. I am still waiting for that recruiter lady to call me.

I did happen to stumble upon a cute interview of Adam Lambert. The interviewer was actually just as adorable as Adam. This interviewer’s name was Chad. He was cute, and so I left him a comment about how I’m now a Chadam fan. He apparently loved that because it made his day.

I’ve had a BORING day so far. Will it possibly become entertaining?