Archive for Heather

Fridays can sometimes be hell.

Posted in Comedy, Family, Friends, Health, Music, Parents, Rants with tags , , , , on August 15, 2009 by rockerdi

I started out volunteering in the Cancer Center again this morning, just like I do every Friday morning from 9 AM to 1 PM. I was bored, sitting down doing Sudoku puzzles. It basically stayed that way for the next 4 hours. When I left, I was given a bag full of dog biscuits for humans. I was puzzled by this until someone explained that the treats were actually graham crackers. I thought the idea was pretty cute. Now it was time to find my mom.

I took the long way to find 3A where my mom works. When I got up there, I ran into my mom’s boss, who kindly escorted me to my mother. I greeted my mom with a cheerful “Hello!” Well, it wasn’t THAT cheerful, but I did what I could since I had the hangover of the century. I was introduced to a few of my mom’s co-workers before we walked back to her desk to discuss how I was after last night’s fiasco. I was asked if I was alright to drive home, and I said “Yes, I should be fine.” Then I was asked if I wanted to stay for lunch. “Actually, Mommy, Heather is coming over for lunch today.”

“Are you trying to get out of lunch with me by using your best friend as an excuse???”

“No, mom! We really did have plans!!!”


So I drove home and got changed from my volunteer uniform to casual clothes and got myself ready for Heather’s arrival. I wasn’t allowed to have any soda since my stomach was in such bad shape, so I went to my room, turned on the stereo, and listened to “Love Game” by Lady Gaga.

Soon enough, there was a knock on the door.


“Hey, Heather! Diana’s in the back.”


She slowly stepped back a little as I came bounding out of the back of the house at her. “LET’S EAT LUNCH!”

I dragged her back and we made soup for lunch. After soup, we played LIFE again. She beat me, then I beat her twice. That never happens. I was so excited! After we got bored with LIFE, we got out my ancient “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” home game. We decided to just ask each other the questions. While we were playing, I saw my cat licking the wall. I was very concerned, but for some reason did nothing about it. I just assumed he’d stop.

Heather stayed for dinner and we watched Jeopardy and two episodes of Wheel of Fortune before I introduced her to the comedic stylings of Dana Carvey. She was in pain from laughing. After seeing that, she left for her house because she had to get up early for work. I, on the other hand, am awake writing blogs right now when I should be resting after the Thursday that I had.

I am starting to yawn right now, so I think I’ll get to bed. My mom is off this whole upcoming week, so I may not post. I hope what I have posted is enough for you freaks.

Take care, Cocksuckers.