Archive for Wear

‘Only real men wear pink’ my ass.

Posted in Rants with tags , , , , , on July 28, 2009 by rockerdi

I’ve heard that phrase over and over, “Real men wear pink.” What a fictional statement.

Men who wear pink are not REAL men. Men who wear pink are just men who don’t want to deal with the fact that they are in the feminine closet. Any man who wears pink and wears it proudly is just looking for a way to make themself feel more manly. Men wearing pink is a form of denial. STOP WEARING PINK UNLESS YOU WANT TO ADMIT YOU’RE NOT MASCULINE. I’m sorry, but the only real men who can wear pink are men who DON’T have people going around saying “Real men wear pink!” Since too many girls are saying that around men who wear pink, I refuse to believe that any of those previously mentioned ‘Men’ are “Real Men.”